How I Learned Japanese: An Interview Series
Jenny majored in Japanese and shares how she developed a career where she can use Japanese for work.
Follow The Koipun Story
3,732 page views and $54 dollars in revenue
Jay shares his linguistics based approach to learning Japanese and how he is using those insights to create his own Japanese learning materials.
My Japanese Journey
10 Japanese immersion strategies you can use anywhere in the world. Learn some strategies to fit in more Japanese learning throughout the day.
1,069 page views and $108 US dollars in revenue
Cure Dolly, explains her organic method for learning Japanese through immersion and how to turn off your English circuits.
Locksleyu shares how he has read dozens of novels in Japanese and translates some of them for pleasure. All while living outside of Japan.
Bryan tells us how he passed the JLPT N1 and about his experiences living in Japan and participating in the JET Programme.
Jeffrey has taken the JLPT N2 twice and tells us how he prepared for the test and about his experiences working in a Japanese restaurant.
996 page views and $54 US dollars in revenue